Read this article this morning, and it made me think about a few things. If you’re afraid to fail, you are also unwilling to grow. Growth only comes out of the failures and setbacks we suffer as a normal course of life. While I have not done everything in life exactly by the book and was told by a pediatrician some 40 years ago that I didn’t have to make all the mistakes in life. Well, it seems I took that as a challenge and tried to make every mistake you could make in life, but something funny happened, with each mistake or failure I grew, learned, and lived. The biggest life lesson I learned was that setbacks are only temporary and can lead to realizations about yourself that will make life a little easier in the future. My challenge to you is to live life and take each day as an opportunity to learn and grow by trying and failing. It works for children learning the everyday skills they need. Why can’t it work for adults, too?