Member-only story
Waves of Life — How can we help each other overcome?

As the waves of life crash over you, tossing you around inside their fury, you will find yourself wondering which way is up and which way will allow you to escape the furious torrent that threatens to overwhelm you. It is when waves such as job loss, long-term illness, financial issues, or the death of a loved one we find ourselves pondering, “when will my life be better and does anyone really care about me?” Many people have asked those questions during some of life’s worst crises, and many have succumbed to the false notion that no one cared about them and would not care if they were gone. But, others, even in their darkest hours, find ways to help their fellow man while running away from facing their own crises. Why?

As human beings, we are a social group, and we look for the adulation and the adoration of friends and family to validate our lives and our behavior whether that behavior is good, bad, or ugly. At our most vulnerable and weakest points, humans sometimes wonder why they are not, ‘good enough,’ ‘special enough,’ ‘nice enough,’ or ‘pretty enough’ for life not to be so hard. I have often wondered why I ‘think’ the things I do about life and what has driven me to be the type…