What in the world has happened to politics in America?

On March 8, 2018, I published, “2018 Politics — Can America Start Listening Again?” which talked about how we no longer listen to one another.

On August 21, 2018, after the “Silent Sam” statue was torn down on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, I wrote “The Desecration of ‘Silent Sam’; Or, the Ruination of Calm, Rational Debate in The United States” discussing the inability of opposing groups to have logical, rational, and calm debates.

Two days before Christmas, I pondered the protectionist trade practices, closed borders, and isolationism and how they related to what happened during the Great Depression and World War II in, “Protectionist Trade Practices, Closed Borders, and Isolationism — Are these a 2018 Recipe to repeat the Disasters of 1929–1945?

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